7 definitions by Anxiously

A bad tasting nutritional supplement commonly used for patients as a sliding scale ordered by dietitians in eating disorder treatment. May cause abdominal pain or discomfort, anxiety, and sadness
I didn’t have enough time to finish the last three bites of my meal so now I have to drink 4oz of Boost Plus.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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Formally known as Rogers Memorial Hospital, a place where people go to stay for CBT, Boost Plus, and tears. Start your day with being weighed and then a cold shower. Then come on down to the group room and become bored out of your mind. We’re eating six times a day but at least you’ll meet amazing Boost Buds, a.k.a. the greatest people you will ever meet. We’re here for a good time, not for a long time. So sit down (because standing is frowned upon), get anxious, and write down random tallies in your ban book and random numbers on your exposure records.
Oh no, we’re driving past the Rodge Lodge sign. Things aren’t looking so great if you’re driving into the parking lot at Rogers Memorial Hospital.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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A miniature composition notebook given to you by a behavioral specialist in order to track your bans. They are commonly used in treatment programs with cognitive behavioral therapy.
My behavioral specialist gave me a ban book to track my banned behaviors but I just write down random numbers.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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A nutritional supplement, such as Boost Plus or Ensure, commonly used in eating disorder treatment to make up for unfinished components of your meal plan. It is ordered by a registered dietitian.
I didn’t have time to finish the last three bites of my snack so now I have to drink my sliding scale.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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A member of your treatment team that has the job dedicated to giving you exposures that make you anxious. Sometimes referred to as a BS. They also give you a ban book to track behaviors but most patients just fill in random numbers.
My behavioral specialist gave me a new exposure but it causes my anxiety to get to a 6 out of 7.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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Also known as the Rodge Lodge, a place where people go to stay for CBT, Boost Plus, and tears. Start your day with being weighed and then a cold shower. Then come on down to the group room and become bored out of your mind. We’re eating six times a day but at least you’ll meet amazing Boost Buds, a.k.a. the greatest people you will ever meet. We’re here for a good time, not for a long time. So sit down (because standing is frowned upon), get anxious, and write down random tallies in your ban book and random numbers on your exposure records.
Oh no, we’re driving past the Rogers Memorial Hospital sign. Things aren’t looking so great if you’re driving into the parking lot at the Rodge Lodge.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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The friends you make in eating disorder treatment who will support you forever and be there to cheer you on when you have to drink a carton of Boost Plus.
I’m glad I've completed treatment but leaving my Boost Buds behind will be very hard.
by Anxiously September 8, 2019
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