4 definitions by AndNowHisWatchIsEnded

Managed to break their definition. Might have caused helter skelter, but who the fuck knows. Definitely not them, they broke their definition.
Ålesund? Goddamn crackaz.
by AndNowHisWatchIsEnded August 14, 2023
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Bobby's knighthood into the neighborhood watch has redeemed the definition to an upper scale g. Sigrid might be racist, but a bonafied G.

But by the time bobby knew about his knighthood, he left it up to the whites to quarrel about right and wrong and made friends with those he liked.
To do a Sigrid, is what Sigrid does

- don't worry, be happy.
by AndNowHisWatchIsEnded August 14, 2023
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Definitely stole her talent from a a 37 year old retard that mistakenly fell into time and ended up in the early 2000's. But by the time she knows this she's already famous. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To do a Sigrid is embracing your less appealing sides in the name of captilastic gain. Preferably accompanied by talent.
by AndNowHisWatchIsEnded August 13, 2023
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