13 definitions by Analyzer2401

A person that talks in a very pathetic way.
- YO, hi bruh, like i did like, this , like thing, omg are you shitting me?
- youre such a ninon, ugh
by Analyzer2401 October 27, 2020
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girl who talks in a pathetic way.
-like, bruh, like u like fucking , like shitting me?
-what a ninon
by Analyzer2401 October 28, 2020
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Maia is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She is always there when you need her and will never let you down. Even when she is going through hard shit she will still be completely there for yours. She completely puts herself before her friends and can even hurt herself as long as the other person is feeling alright. She always know what to say to cheer you up when your sad even about the stupidest things like" i didn't do my homework". She always knows what to say and what to do and she never gets into fights and instead she debates things through. She does have complexes but she handles them with such grace that i am appalled. Maia is also an amazing girlfriend, she is trusty and patient . She never asks for too much attention and stays light even if she hasn't talked to her boyfriend in weeks.
Basically, Maia is beyond awesome, like a happy dracula.
A: Omg here comes Maia!
B: Yh she's my best friend.
A: Omg i wish i was close to Maia!
by Analyzer2401 October 28, 2020
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