2 definitions by Anabelle Green

the fiercest lil girl you’ll ever meet. she acts like a real ***** sometimes but you still love her in every shape and form. she’s dramatic, BUT in the best LOVING way! she’s a stick up the ass, but that’s ok. everyone hates her at some point in their life, especially in their teenage years. You will never forgot her daughter of a bitch humor. usually from britain, and is self- conscious about her accent.
That little kat! she screwed up the pooch again! But i still love her with all my heart.

I was at a party with kat, and ofc she had to the sports dance off again! she stole all the guys away from ME!
by Anabelle Green April 28, 2019
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Adi is a confusing person. One minute your her best friend, then you’re not. She’s very cute and excludes people easily. She’s annoyed easily and has a resting mad face. Such a flirt with the guys, and everyone wants to be her friend.
“Who’s that?”
Oh, that’s Adi, she’s nice, but she really makes you feel bad.”
by Anabelle Green October 24, 2018
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