3 definitions by AlliAsharini

The term used when an outragous number of blacks end up at the polls, who have never thought to vote ebfore.....to vote for a black candidate. These individuals are called "bloaters"
Allison, look at all of this nigpolling I'm scared to go inside.
by AlliAsharini March 12, 2008
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a black person who signs up to vote (most likely after multiple years of not knowing how, where, or why to vote) when another black person is running as a candidate, and then votes for that black person of course without thinking.
You have never voted in your life, you're a damn bloater if you vote for obama.
by AlliAsharini March 12, 2008
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the day a black person reaches the heights of presidency, causing blacks to run a muck (even more so than usual) in the streets...and to cause the end of civilized society.
ashley and allison often speak of the possible blackend in sight, over gmail chat during work hours to pass the time.
by AlliAsharini March 12, 2008
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