21 definitions by Alli

An uberhot professional snowboarder with flaming red hair and hella medals.
Shaun White rocks my socks.

Anyone who can pull a 1080 like that must be good in bed.
by Alli June 10, 2004
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the disease that is making the world incredibly dull.
The accountant made all of the cute little puppys cry.
by Alli April 27, 2004
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A word equivelant to "fo shizzel" but it's said by white people who want to be black but can't be. Also said by big losers and retards.
Alli: Wow, did u really suck santa's little dick?
Rob (a little white boy): Fo shnitzel!
by Alli December 16, 2004
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the act of sticking you finger in your butthole
"someone saw you poop-ooping"
by Alli June 18, 2006
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your uncle who is wasted all day, everyday.
damn, your drunkle parties harder than i do.
by Alli July 27, 2004
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It's where about 10 guys stand in a line and a girlie goes down the line and gives them head, one by one. The guy who gets head first is running the train.
I don't want none unless I'm running the train.
by Alli December 31, 2004
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female vagina, a shortened version of punani
you getting any pun?
by Alli December 26, 2002
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