11 definitions by Aliel The Heretic

A term used to describe a United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operation in which anonymous leaks to news sources and message boards are used with partially true information or information that is already public knowledge. The design of these operations is intended to neutralized resistances within populations with the promises that secret "heroes" unknown to them are fighting on their behalf behind the scenes and that the people's perceived enemies are just "one step away" from being exposed and dealt with.
"Q Anon? Nah man. Only stupid boomers believe in that crap. From what I hear it's just another pied piper op."
by Aliel The Heretic October 15, 2020
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The act of selling a FREE product or service to others for a fee.

Often considered the act of scamming people out of their money for something that by all accounts should be provided free of charge.
"Yeah Shlomo has a nice shekeleering operation going. Last week, he sold Adobe Reader to some old lady for $50!"
by Aliel The Heretic April 22, 2022
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Did you hear about that stupid pedo mom down the street that was arrested for child porn? Good riddance.
by Aliel The Heretic January 4, 2021
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And old American slang term for a person with a natural talent for communicating with and caring for animals. The term was popularized in the naming of Adam Baldwin's character in 1987's "Full Metal Jacket" film in which the M60 machine gunner looked after and inspired the men of his squad to always seek victory over all else.
No matter how mean she is to her pets, those animals always followed her around anyways. That little girl is a real animal mother.
by Aliel The Heretic January 19, 2021
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