1 definition by Alejandro758

cami’s are what you define as perfect a very beautiful wonderful erfull girl that has everything in them they never fail to put a smile in your face and are really the key to happiness, they are the best type of people to be yourself around them they are very understanding and always give out the best advice when you need it they are also so good when you need them they are always there for you when you need it regardless of what situation they are with someone they try they’re best to help in whatever they can, they are so compassionate and they have the best charm just like the name they’re such a beautiful charming soul who cares so much about other and think way behind they love seeing the good thing in everything no matter what it is Cami’s are truly one of the best type of ppl you can meet you instantly click with them and stick to them right away regarding looks they have the most prettiest features they tend to also have very beautiful eyes you just can’t look away from of they have the best soul and amazing personality if you encounter yourself with someone named cami you can find yourself lucky because they are really one of a kind human beings and you won’t find the same energy or person like them they really have the reflex of a goddess and are so strong and true to them selves they’re one of the most best and amazing people I love you cami my beautiful ❤️
person 1: Woah , who’s that right there

person 2: Well that’s cami isn’t she perfect
by Alejandro758 November 21, 2021
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