39 definitions by Al "The Computer Guy"

Some one who is taught at there own house usually by ones parents. Most people that are home schooled are social outcast and can't spell.
Wez a hom skooledd!
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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The new version of Sprite that has a hint of mint in it and taste much better than the original. Unfortunatly it is only availible in other countries besides the United States.
I got my Sprite Ice from Canada.
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, it is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA to study the Sun, from its deep core to the outer corona, and the solar wind.
SOHO helps us know when there will be a solar storm.
by Al "The Computer Guy" May 17, 2004
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Is the shortened name for the Arizona Dimondbacks.
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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A hidden extra feature that is found in a DVD, that is usually hard to find.
I can't believe that I fould the easter egg in Gilgi!
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 16, 2004
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Is sort of a cross between a laptop and a pocket pc. It is the size of a laptop with a keyboard, but you can turn around the sreen and lay it down so that it is a large pocket pc.
The tablet pc was supposed to be the next big thing but it never caught on.
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 16, 2004
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1. Another name for our planet, earth, because that it is the third planet from our central star; known as the sun.

2. A TV show from the 90's that involved people that were aliens disguised as humans.
1. Tell the aliens that we are from the third rock from the sun.

2. Third Rock From The Sun is on UPN.
by Al "The Computer Guy" April 17, 2004
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