4 definitions by Adof trump

The most greatest fucking game your tiny little nuts have ever fucking seen.
Jill: hey did you hear about that Minecraft thing?
Karen: yes all the kids and kiddos are playing it.
Sharen:we should post minion memes about it.
Karen:omg that is so swag dog let’s do it now.
by Adof trump September 25, 2019
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Bill: Did you see what joe did last night.
Tom: who is joe?
Bill: joe mama
by Adof trump September 25, 2019
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Why ohh why the fuck are you looking up cock and balls in the fucking urban Dictionary. Are you fucking gay
Robert:bro let’s look up cock and balls in the urban Dictionary. Since were at school and are fucking bord.
Sam:yo lets do it.
Robert: aww I thought it would say something funny.
Sam:well I guess not. I guess it’s time to look up cock and ball torture.
by Adof trump September 25, 2019
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The most dumbest fucking game you have ever in your hole little sad depressing fucking life seen!
Karen: yo dogs what’s up my kiddos you wanna get this fortnite dub.
Random 12 year old on the fortnite: bro go the fuck back to the 1890s you bich.
by Adof trump September 25, 2019
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