14 definitions by AcneAndAnthrax

Bruce Jenners alter ego. I honestly don't give a shit if he wants to be a woman or not. There's nothing wrong with you identifying as a different gender, but flaunting it around and making some huge fuss over it is childish bullshit. The fact that this whole scenario is even newsworthy proves that the media is on par with cancer and genocide in terms of being the most unlikable things on earth.
"Breaking news! Bruce Jenner identifies as a woman"
"Hot off the press! Caitlyn Jenner has now sai-"
"This just in! Caitlyn Jenner-"
*throws TV out window"
by AcneAndAnthrax June 6, 2015
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Those kids in school that wear camouflage 24/7 and feign military knowledge.

Common Traits include:
-Constantly bragging about how they're going to enlist
-Excessive playing of Call of Duty or Battlefield
-Brings Airsoft guns and pocket knives to school
-When talking about weaponry they use names from COD i.e KAP-40, Olympia
-Overly patriotic and a borderline warmonger
Hallway Marine: My grandpa killed 50 Nazis with a Death Machine in WWII!
Normal Person: It's called an M134 and it wasn't in service until 20 years after WWII.
by AcneAndAnthrax October 20, 2014
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Billy: My sister almost walked in on me masturbating.
Fred: Guess you could call that "A Close Encounter Of The Sperm Kind".
Billy: Damn it Fred, you're not funny.
by AcneAndAnthrax May 4, 2015
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The previous name for Betta fish. Since activists want to make sure any sign of creativity and originality is eradicated off the planet because it's "unsafe".
In Texas a 10 year old can buy an AK-47 with no problem at Walmart but activists made sure to get rid of the Siamese fighting fish because it's a "safety hazard".
by AcneAndAnthrax November 30, 2014
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1. A term used to describe something good that happened to you
2. Anal sex
1. Playing Doom rocks the ass.
2. Chad rocked the ass with Stacy last night.
by AcneAndAnthrax October 20, 2014
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1: Buick's flagship sedan, It's called the century because 100 years from now these fuckers will still be roaming our streets. While most cars from the 1980s are seldom seen nowadays, the Century refuses to die and you'll see dozens every day.

2: The "alarm car" that alerts the horde if you shoot it in the Left 4 Dead series.
His Buick Century got t-boned by a semi truck but it still drove with no problems.
by AcneAndAnthrax December 2, 2014
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