12 definitions by Abdallah Price

1. An episode of constant farting which stinks like a third-world storm drain and is usually brought on by some type of ethnic food.

2. Taking a shit and moaning like a woman giving birth.
1. "I went to Chipotle for lunch and now I've got a case of the beefy queefies, and I'm very afraid of leaving a pool of Bosco in my underwear."
2. "Dude, Henry's in the can, shouting like a maternity patient. Guess he's got the beefy queefies."
by Abdallah Price May 23, 2010
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Slang for pussy- especially one that ejaculates, queefs, or pops out shitty children excessively.
"Looking down the barrel of that chick's guava-cannon is like staring at the distended mouth of a palsy patient."

"Swear t'Jesus- I was lyin' on the bed after we fucked, and she climbed over me to use the bathroom. All'a sudden her guava-cannon fires off, and now I gots the chunkies in mah chest hair."
by Abdallah Price November 4, 2011
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1. A piece of food that is yarfed up (vomited up violently and vocally) and still discernible in its identity.

2. A perfectly reasonable substitute for "asshole" or "wuss."
1. "Y'know... that yarf nugget kind of looks like my chicken satay. For the last time, stop stealing my food outta the fridge!"

2. "Quit being a fuckin' yarf nugget and get me the sledgehammer. Did you want cow for dinner or what?"
by Abdallah Price August 28, 2010
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A hapless, clumsy shithead; someone scatalogically uncautious and careless who ends up with exactly what karma had laying in wait for him; a human being with a paper rectum who could potentially sneeze and spray a jet of Mexican molé sauce against the back wall of his undershorts.
1. "Dude, I've heard of 'don't trust that fart,' but this was more like, 'don't trust that sneeze.' Fucking shizzmungler left his underpants looking like Kurt Cobain on a Sunday morning."

2. "Nothing squishes my areolas with delight more than some shizzmungler doing the cha-cha and walking into an open manhole."
by Abdallah Price May 8, 2012
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Pronounced (SHY-za-BON), a bastardized pseudo-German phrase meaning more or less "shit highway." A term which was coined to describe the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn, New York.
"Eastbound on the Scheissebahn is backed up. AS USUAL."

"Why are we taking the Scheissebahn when we could just take the streets?"

"Watch out for assholes in Infinity G37x's on the Scheissebahn."
by Abdallah Price August 12, 2012
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