3 definitions by A.H.

A term used to describe a person or thing that is very offensive-looking.

Slang/short for "hideous".
"Dang, that shirt is hids"

"That guy she was dating was super hids!"
by A.H. December 15, 2003
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When you put your phone on vibrate. This is usually said about girls phones.
Mike: Susanne! Your phone is dildoating again!
Sussane: Oh....whoops.
by A.H. November 5, 2005
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A person or thing which is extrememly unattractive or offensive to the eye.

Slang/short version of "ugly"
"Damn, that guy she was dating was ugz!"

"Did you catch the ugz hairdo on that chick?"
by A.H. December 15, 2003
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