6 definitions by A psuedonym for memers

🅱️ is also known as a negative squared latin capital letter b, and is used as a symbol for the B blood type or just an internet meme being tossed around. Usually replacing the first letter in a word, or the letters IN the word.
drama queen 2: chill ni🅱️🅱️a
by A psuedonym for memers October 15, 2018
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Thotriel is the angel of thottetry.
person A: ive been smashed by so many guys
person B: Thotriel please leave this womans soul
by A psuedonym for memers April 13, 2019
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When ya tryin to use your new N word pass but you accedentially press return
person 1: why are you so retarded.
You: NIG
person 1: yep, retarded.
by A psuedonym for memers February 11, 2019
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When ya tryin to use your new N word pass but you accedentially press return
person 1: why are you so retarded.
You: NIG
person 1: yep, retarded.
by A psuedonym for memers February 10, 2019
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A word originated from the game splatoon 2. It is what male octolings say for the booyah button, besides moan-like sounds. like how female inklings say woomy and male inklings say nyges, this is another word in the inkling language we can easily translate.
(inkling) splatoon 2 player 1: great! I just splatted all our spawn campers!
(octoling) splatoon 2 player 2: Ooni!
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This is lennyface. it doesn’t actually work with this font, because he is having a little seizure. BUT, he IS usually for a sneaky refrence to sex and can also be used when someone says somthing that could be taken wrong.
Ni🅱️🅱️a 1: My pp isn’t working.
Ni🅱️🅱️a 2: it’s pfp you retarded 13 year old and which pp ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
by A psuedonym for memers October 19, 2018
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