10 definitions by A Midwestern Christian

The largest and only true religion in the world. It currently consists of well over 2 BILLION people all over the globe, including the Middle East. Most Christians are dedicated to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the word of God in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Just because of several million violent, hate-filled Christians who perform the kinds of acts they do, it doesn't mean that every single Christian (and definitely not the majority) are like the negative, ignorant, and destructive kinds of people that you stereotype them as. It is wrong to stereotype an entire worldwide religion and its people because of the actions of a few. And for those of you calling us hate-filled, homophobic, and violent; just keep in mind what the Muslims are doing over in the Middle East. Unlike them, we do not abuse and oppress our women (except for a very few terrible men). We believe in the sanctity of life, and we don't go out murdering and exterminating those of another religion or those who have no religion. In addition, we do not impede on the progress of scientific study as also falsely-claimed by many millions. Have you never heard of Gregor Mendel, the Catholic clergyman who discovered genetics in experiments with pea plants? That man is probably the finest example of how Christians actually promote the advancements in science, especially since many of those advancements lead to the saving of lives.
For those of you calling us close-minded, redneck, hick, fascist, nazi, Republican (not that that's derogatory, by the way
For those of you calling we Christians close-minded, redneck, hick, fascist, nazi, Republican (not that that's derogatory, by the way), gay-basher, warmonger, hypocrite, retard, and many other, far more profane names and labels, perhaps you're not that open-minded yourselves. So, who's the REAL hypocrite?
by A Midwestern Christian March 28, 2005
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oh, that's just lovely. You put words into my mouth about doing such a sickening activity as that. I guess you think you're better than me because of it, don't you.
Laugh it up, enjoy the things that satisfy your sick hunger, but I won't drag myself down to your level.
by A Midwestern Christian April 18, 2005
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