6 definitions by A guy that knows stuff

Possibly the shittiest router ever built. These routers have major flaws...not just the software but the hardware......noobs dont connect these without the help of one of us.....a technician.
Setting up software that isnt very thought provoking....and 4 hours later it works!!! Netgear is a piece of junk.
by A guy that knows stuff November 1, 2006
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Homosexual relations between 2 men. A modern term to describe the act of bum poking.
by A guy that knows stuff January 22, 2009
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Out of style haircut. The rediculous looking hair cut that is cut in the shape of a bowl. The back and sides are buzzed and underneath with the top long, hanging down to the ears, cut in the shape of a bowl.
Place a bowl on your head and cut around it. The bowlcut is very common for institutionalized people. Governments find this a cheaper haircut so it saves them money when taking care of the criminally insane. Bowls are cheap and to save money when taking care of mentally handicapped people or criminally insane they find a bowl and a pair of scissors cheap. Bowlcut.
by A guy that knows stuff June 24, 2011
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My dog Brindi. She is part greyhound. Eats like a dinosaur but is very skinny. Large like a greyhound as well.
Large, skinny, dinosaur appetite. Eats like a bonerackosaurus
by A guy that knows stuff November 19, 2009
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An affection of 2 homosexuals touching each others balls. Bromance explosion is just the climax. (Also can be 2 guys to afraid to admit they are gay and too scared to come out of the closet and lose their heterosexual friends.)
2 gay males in love with each other and bum poking. Bromance explosion is the act of ejaculating on each other. (Obviosly gay.) Using the word bromance leads to becoming gay. (Bromancing the stone, loving each others testicales)
by A guy that knows stuff July 4, 2010
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Excessive Dog licking. Excessive licking combined with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
My Dog sebastian has been diagnosed with lickyosis. There is no known cure. He just keeps licking me when he gets a chance. Its like Obsessive Cumpulsive Disorder only with licking on and on...Its a condition that only dogs are suseptible to at this time.
by A guy that knows stuff May 31, 2008
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