4 definitions by A fish

Very similar to Epic Fail, except, by some means that should most likely not be allowed by the laws of probability and physics in general, it becomes so clumsy it turns around and turns into win.
fail: Try to punch somebody and miss.

epic fail: Try to punch somebody, miss, and crash into a wall.

Epic Flail: Try to punch somebody, miss, crash into a wall, and accidentally cause a bookshelf to fall on the target.
by A fish May 16, 2008
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Very similar to Epic Fail, except, by some means that should most likely not be allowed by the laws of probability and physics in general, it becomes so clumsy it turns around and turns into win.
fail: Try to punch somebody and miss.

epic fail: Try to punch somebody, miss, and crash into a wall.

Epic Flail: Try to punch somebody, miss, crash into a wall, and accidentally cause a bookshelf to fall on the target.
by A fish May 15, 2008
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A type of pants containing various kinds of bells (jingle, jangle, and/or jongle) in the entirety of the pant. This item was popularized by snipty the Christmas elf and by people who like to make stupid fucking puns.
(At an 80s Party)
Jim: do you like my bell-bottoms?????
Susan: who the fuck invited you.
by A fish December 26, 2018
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A special secret drink that only two people know the definition of. It's sorta like a hot chocolate... but not really so screw you hehe
mmmmmmm... this IS a tasty mile!


Can I have a sip of your mile, please
by A fish January 19, 2006
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