3 definitions by 4g3nt_smith

Variation of The shocker. Pointer and middle finger are inserted into the female vagina, while the ring and pinky fingers are insterted into the anus. Used if the shocker does not shock.
She squealed when I showed her the spock.
by 4g3nt_smith February 11, 2004
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Derogatory term used for someone who can actually master the team aspect fo most games, but has no one else to use this aspect with. "Campers" generally are seen in FPS games, especially ones based on a team mindset. These campers normally defend an objective, or wait for a tactical advantage.
OMG, he shot me in the back! Camper!!!

You're defending the objective? Go kill someone, camper!
by 4g3nt_smith February 11, 2004
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A great act; something so inconrehinsibly incredible that no other words cna be used to describe it.
OMG, that was so fucking Russel Crow man!
by 4g3nt_smith June 15, 2004
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