1 definition by 4chanBlowsSeriousDick

The most fucked up,pedophile-infested website on the internet. It is an english-translated pornography imageboard with the japanese form 2chan. its best,more like worst, image board is called /b/, where it mostly contains of child pornography, sexual jokes that aren't even funny, and memes that lose their popularity 5 minutes after it is created. In fact, this website is SO fucked up, that, for example, on subeta, a gaia/deviantart/neopets website, has been hacked by stpid fucking anonymous, a fucking pedophile and moot, some stupid fucking anthro hello kitty ripoff. just because subeta took the longcat (meme on 4chan) meme, so 4chan got all mad and hacked into subeta's creator, keith's paypal and bought 3 playstation 3's and the first season of the fresh prince of bel-air with his money. 4chan also hackec gaia people who used subeta by hacking into a gazillion accounts and posting pictures of dead cats.

4chan fucking sucks.
4chan whore:lulz moar pedobear is gonna get you

anti4chan whore: fuck you get a life you fucking pedophile
by 4chanBlowsSeriousDick June 14, 2008
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