20 definitions by SilVer

very like sentence "you are babo?"
he babo
very like sentence "you are babo?"
he babo
by SilVer September 4, 2003
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What you say when your ending a journal entry, when laterness, laterish, and later just aren't enough..
"And thats my day..
laterishness all.."
by SilVer March 17, 2005
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1)A form of digital art, in which you find a base somewhere online, take it into a paint program, then draw and shade clothes on it. Dolling is for women and men alike.
"I was dolling myself when you called me."
by SilVer March 17, 2005
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For my knight in shining mud:
Yo shizzle fanizzle.. He married a female dog according to this Wizzle (did I mention this Wizzle is allergic) but my oh my she really married a fluff burro. His weight is me times squared and he now has a stalker list all bared. Peace up maxo ^^... bust them arses and send a kiss to TNT for me. *bows out to the god of pounding pixels made by nerds with too much time on their hands and armada* <end>
Maximus_goatimus tried to kiss a frog today- and he got REJECTED. Ooooh.. that hurts.
by SilVer January 22, 2005
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The initials used for a poser that goes to CMS. Using names is mean, after all. She cuts and makes fun of anyone who doesn't like her. Acutally, she makes fun of everyone.
"JB really did it again- now she's cutting so she can fit in."
by SilVer March 21, 2005
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A very weird girl with puffy hair, a bass guitar and is some what perverted
oh my gosh, ur acting domi @_@ ^_^
by SilVer December 14, 2004
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