454 definitions by Paul

Fuel used in conventional internal combustion engines. In North America, this is known as gas. Cf. Diesel, kerosene.
Where's the nearest petrol station?
by Paul March 26, 2004
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the rather black art of making your motorcycle headlights look like a serious retard with crossed eyes
"Yeah,the bike looks nice but isnt it about time you Sponged the hog?
by Paul May 26, 2004
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1. To whore (Slang)
2. Horrible
3. Hoe
"He is so horin"
by Paul January 29, 2003
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Cigarettes from an Indian Reservation.

These cigarettes are made from tobacco grown by Native Americans / First Nations and sold in bags of 200 for well below the price of commercial brands.

Also spelled "rez rockets".
Screw paying $45 a carton for smokes, I'm gonna buy a bag of Res Rockets for $20.
by Paul June 5, 2005
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any girl that gets down or engages in sexual activity
by Paul October 1, 2003
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