3 definitions by ✨Trixie the Tricksey✨

Your name is Naomi but you saw the TikTok trend wear you remove the first and last letter of your name, so you searched this up.
"My name is Naomi, so I am now aom".
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A more formal and apologetic way to say, "Just kidding". If you were for say making a joking that somewhat angered or offended a loved one or someone you know, you could say, JKIS, if you know that JK would continue to have to enraged, which they may get violent.
For example, "JKIS, don't worry!" You should make sure to say something like "don't worry!" Cause you want them to know it's okay, and you meant no offensive in your act/joke/prank/etc.
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Short way to say "Wanna FaceTime?" In case of laziness. No, it's not the way to say What the ***, which is a swear word. Please don't mistake it for that.
This word could be used as in when you want to FaceTime a friend, but you are too lazy to say, "Wanna FaceTime"? For example, "Wft girl/sis/boy/etc?"
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