5 definitions by <LeIgHthaL>

The distance at which a young science major can no longer resist the bling worn by a member of their preferred sex. A play on the market price of Swarovski, which is effectively $350 glass (and the only thing university students can afford), and the Swartzchild Radius (which is the radius of a black hole, from which there is no escape).
"Oooh look at Mitsie, she has no understanding of physics, but that's a damned low cut top and nice bling."
"Yeah, look at Professor Higgs... he's mesmerised... and totally caught in her Swarovski Radius. She'll pass anyway!"
by <LeIgHthaL> October 25, 2023
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A claim made by a piece of shit who is forced to leave or capitulate after a sound and undeniable defeat of some manner.
Chad Thundercock just tried to beat up little Johnny and steal his lunch money, but after removing a pen from his eye, let little Johnny keep his lunch money as a goodwill gesture.
by <LeIgHthaL> September 1, 2022
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The inability to sleep due to hunger, generally resolved by late night or early morning snacking on foods of questionable nutritional value.
I tried to sleep at 23:00 last night after a late gym session but it just wasn't happening. That left over pizza did the trick though... a little insomnomnomnia!
by <LeIgHthaL> January 15, 2015
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Someone instigating a whirlwind romance and entering into marriage with a hapless victim for the express intent of gaining citizenship in the victim's country. Whereas a gold-digger needs to be in the same location as their victim, passport-seeking missiles can lock on to targets in the US from as far away as the APAC region via Internet dating.
Tyler: Wow, Kiki just divorced Norbert... they'd only been together a few years.
Conrad: Yeah... I tried to warn him but he didn't want to listen and married a passport-seeking missile!
by <LeIgHthaL> December 31, 2022
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To gain significant advantage or make one's way through the world by exploiting social dynamics, state institutions and weaponising the law (usually to the detriment of moral but naive others).
Cindy: "I'm so over my farting, snoring husband, but I need him. How about you?"
Jelissa: "Well I have no problems. I lined up a guy via Internet dating from the other side of the world, he knocked me up so I could have my baby and he's out of sight, out of mind. He pays me child support off the record out of guilt, and I get special single mother benefits. Then I married Enrique, but divorced him after four years for a payout and alimony. These days I just do what I want!"
Cindy: "Wow, you have it all worked out, don't you?"
by <LeIgHthaL> May 28, 2023
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