22 definitions by (insert name here)

To rip off a persons shirt when they are laying down and pour a bucket of horse or man semen (can be replaced with other substances)and poor it on their stomach. Then take a piece of bread and wipe of some semen (or other substance) off their stomach and force feed them the bread.
Man Juantio you manskayed me like no one has before,not even my own father!
by (insert name here) July 23, 2003
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The best weapon based fighting game in existance. Has many characters and gameplay is awesome.Graphics are superb.Anyone who plays games knows this title.If not...they are a dumbass and need to play this game.So go out and buy it if you havent already
w00t I just got Soul Calibur 2. It owwwwnnzzzzzz
by (insert name here) August 30, 2003
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Gomen ne Gomen ne, is a song that's about a young girl that's sexually abused by her father. Her father thaught her that it's normal behaviour and it's love. She's too young to know what's love so she believes her dad. One day, she fell in love with a boy. They boy felt sorry for her fragile body. One day, she ran away from her dad and moved to her crush. She felt gulity for running away and not being able to fall in love with her dad, so she ran back home and apologized for running away. When she came home, she heard her dad and his friends say they believed she returned, and that they want to raped her, wich she took as eating her. Her dad and his friends gang-raped her to death. No, it's not about cannibalism, it's about sexual abuse. Don't call Kikuo (the song's writer) disgusting for this song, it's only trying to spread awareness.
Tiktok normie: Hey, this song is cute!
People, who know the lyrics: uhh..should we tell them? Here, read the dictionary of what the song Gomen ne Gomen ne's about. ⬆️
by (insert name here) November 15, 2020
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Snake,Ill let you decide the best COA
by (insert name here) October 7, 2003
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Its also a hard candy
I scuked on some Nips last night
by (insert name here) November 17, 2003
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Something that I scream out of spite.It has no meaning really
by (insert name here) October 18, 2003
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All of the def. above.But is also another word for slavery.As used in the play "The Tradgedy of Julias Caesar
I like bondage pants
by (insert name here) October 13, 2003
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