19 definitions by $nowman'$exy

a gurl that thinks she is hard. ususally a younger gurl that has never been in a fight and swears she can whoop a man's ass but would piss her self if it came down to it.
she is a paper cut. another one? damn there all paper cuts these days. y does she insist that she is hard weighing 105Lbs???idfk and dont understand it myself. wtf is going on with this shit?
by $nowman'$exy April 8, 2010
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Adjective. 1. Feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity assiosiated with using the internet and being on the computer constantly.
im keybored today and every other day because my mail box is full of spam, and all the comments i read on youtube are spam. i watch the same youtube videos all day to see how many views they have...im keybored. my girlfriends' left me so they could be more intuned to their keyboredness. ughh...i lost my job because i was a straight up keybored.
by $nowman'$exy March 5, 2012
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somebody that trys to make there self look better but not quite working to well.
thats a neatball nap with what shes doing with her hair. but at least she tried.
by $nowman'$exy April 8, 2010
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fake. not real by any means. complete bullshit.
her breast are like a 4 dollar bill. some of these people these days are like a 4 dollar bill. those gucci glasses are like a 4 dollar bill.
by $nowman'$exy April 5, 2010
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Beyond the point of horny. Way past over due to bust one. Basically 2 words are put into one (beyond, horny) to make one word beyorny.
I am so beyorny after leaving the tittie bar.
by $nowman'$exy April 3, 2010
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take 2 peices of bread and jam those bitches together to form a "jam sandwich". could possibly dip in bar-b-que sauce do get superior quality.
theres nothing to eat in this bitch. i guess i got to make me a jam sandwich.
by $nowman'$exy April 7, 2010
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a free online game that is very addictive.
person 1: are you going out tonight?
person 2: no, im going to play give up robot all fucking night.
person 1: thats cool, i love that game too.
by $nowman'$exy July 8, 2010
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