4 definitions by ᴉɥsoldxǝ ᴉɥsoʎ ǝlqnop

Used to represent suspense or an earthquake, whichever makes more sense in context.
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Artistically masterful anime based off of Super Mario Brothers 2.
Otherwise known as a reduct on our modern day bible, this is the greatest anime ever created, or ever to be created, in the entire universe, and of the entire universe of any alter-dimensions.

Do the Mario!

Swing your arms from side to side!

Come on, it's time to go. Do the Mario!

Take one step, and then again!

Let's do the Mario, all together now!
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A term used when two Yoshi blows stuff up. Alternatively when somebody taps in a yarn Yoshi Amiibo and the universe implodes in the process.
Dr. Phill: “I’m gonna tap in my yarn Yoshi Amiibo.”
Mike: “Whoashi. It’s a double Yoshi exploshi.”
Dr. Phill: *shoots Mike*
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A misspelling of the word “Perhaps.”

Anyone who says this is essentially a moron.
Boy 1: “You good at speedrunning?”
Boy 2: “Perhapa.”
Boy 1: “…Moron.”
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