1. Term or name given to someone or something that is disgusting or funny. This can be used in any circumstance.

2. A small organic compound grown, found, and distributed in Georgia.

3. Universal word : any part of speech. (Noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, verb, etc.)

See lug nut or meat head
(Sir) I just pissed on the cat!
(Me) Wow! You're a Wef Wef!
by Kyle Smeer June 4, 2006
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Minor despotism, esp. one ruled by a contemptible bully. Said rulers'conduct tends to be a mixture of aggressive posturing towards greater powers, coupled with a real-politik of submission. Personal characteristics: pretensions to creative achievement, suppressed homosexuality.
"This place is turning into just another WEF."
by K P Ankrah December 16, 2004
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the opposite of few, it is defined as a lot or a large amount
Star Jones needs to lose a wef amount of weight.
by Tyrian September 18, 2004
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A noise a spoilt posh dog makes.
by Wefin August 5, 2010
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A stupid-ass way to say wtf (for lazy people and douchebags)
John: Yo wazzup
Sally: Nothing much -- oh! a spider!
John: wef
Sally: what the fuck...?
John: ya itz cool
Sally: you're a lazy douchebag
by oneinch March 30, 2011
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The abbreviation for: wild eternal freedom.
A side effect of eating waffles at 2am.
Can be used to harass people over Facebook chat.
1. "What did the series of paragraphs have to be about?"
"Well, wef of course!! :)"

2. "WEF"
"Wild eternal freedom."
"It's a club, wanna join!?"
by Founder of WEF January 23, 2011
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