Palacios is also known as City By The Sea. It is in Matagorda County.

Palacios is known as the biggest shrimping port on the coast of Texas.
There are a very large amount of Vietnamese people, so if you go to Palacios it won't be uncommon to go somewhere and hear people talking in Vietnamese. There is a small section of town known as the Vietnamese Village, or the Village that is home to only Catholic Viets.

Palacios's HS team is the Sharks, and they are big rivals with Tidehaven HS's Tigers. Tidehaven is very close and some Palacios residents go to school there.

No Wal-Mart, H-E-B or Buc-ees. We have Super S and Alco.
1: "Hey want to go fishing later?"
2: "Sure, wanna go on down to Palacios?"
1: "Okay, but we'll need to go pick up some bait."
3: "They have live shrimp."
2: "Oh how I love Palacios, TX."
by sm2014 June 2, 2011
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Where the white people from desoto went when the black people moved in
Midlothian TX. White trash are over there
by Splayfuture8 March 21, 2016
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1. Capital of the state of Texas in the US located in the central part of Texas. Has a thriving music scene and is home to the University of Texas.
I'm thinking I might go to school in Austin, TX.
by Itsjustluck March 23, 2004
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Fredericksburg, Texas is a medium sized shithole which only is beneficial if you are a wealthy person from Austin, San Antonio or Dallas and just need a weekend "to get away from it all."

If you are a native Fredericksburgian, there is a 50% chance you'll marry your high school fuck buddy, a 20% chance you'll become a pothead and work on main street, and a 29% chance that you will go to a university in Texas and maybe do something with your life. That one remaining percent are the people smart enough to get as far away from it as fucking possible.

If you are still attending school here, watch out. Here are a few guidelines:

-Don't sleep with your teacher. We all know what happened there.
-Don't haze Tivy. Well, don't get caught hazing Tivy.
-Watch out for those damn car accidents that seem to claim one of us every so often as a cautionary tale.
-For the love of God, don't become a Fredericksburg hipster. No one cares that you went to ACL.
-This will all be over soon. :D
I feel like we should end all the hopes you have, so we're moving to Fredericksburg, TX!

There's nothing to do in Fredericksburg, TX, so why don't we beg our older siblings to buy us beer, get wasted, go to the Marketplatz and piss in the water wheel?

I'm young, semi-attractive and living in Fredericksburg, TX; let's go running on Main Street!
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A small shitty town that no one cares about
Man, this must be Sanger, Tx
by Gerard Alcom March 16, 2017
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where all the parties happen, the people in greenwood make midland more interesting. also filled with man whores & sluts.
im going to "Greenwood, Tx" to party!
she looks like a slut, shes most likely from "Greenwood, Tx".
by peytonhannah June 9, 2011
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