A female that uses her body in some way to gain attention or some favor from males. Commonly used to describe female streamers on twitch that uses such tactics.

Myne from The Rising of the Shield Hero is a textbook example of a thot.
That twitch thot is too much.
I can't believe how much that Myne thot tricked him.
by Shiraori January 8, 2019
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When a thot offers to please you in sexual way
Without you asking
Josh: Hey man Sasha tired to suck me up right now
Manny: Nigga chill she was just being thotful
by Dontchasethesehoes February 1, 2015
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Term used by Crusaders to address women who hit on them.

Means "That Harlot O'er There"
Lady: Would you like to come back to my home?
Crusader 1: Uhh...
by RealityStrategist April 24, 2018
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If a man is not wanting the thot near them they will say the simple phrase "BEGONE THOT"
by 1337 Meme L0rd 69 April 29, 2018
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Thoughtful can also be interpreted as thotful. The term THOT originated as Chicago slang, meaning “That Hoe Over There.” Becky is having a Thotful thoughts about sleeping with Malik.

Note the homophone for thoughtful and thotful
1. Brittany is a very thotful hoe
2. You're so thotful
3. How thotful of you, he said innocently.
4.Thotful, she began to put together another plan and rehearse what she'd say to the police
5. Her thotful expression and dress immediately strike the viewer

You're so thotful, you're so thotful
You're so bad girl, you're so awful
I fuck you right in my office
You go tell your friends you're honest
That's why all your friends are on
You know you made me a promise
by Thotful June 4, 2014
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The word to describe a thot that is THOT LEVEL 9000
Jonathon was overwhelmed with Katelyne’s thotness.
by JibyJabq March 7, 2018
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Pretending to be a thot to spare someones feelings
Jeremy: Does susan like jacob?
Amy: no ,She likes chris
Jeremy: so why is she kissing jacob
Amy: She didn't want to hurt his feelings

Jeremy: wow she's really thotful!
by ChittyChittybang November 11, 2014
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