A lifestyle you follow after getting fucked over or when you want to change your life for the better
Guy 1: didn’t she cheat on you? How are you doing?
Guy 2: I’m fine, the bitchening is helping me get over her and getting jacked
by TBIU May 8, 2022
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1. Exceptionally good of its kind.
2. Of great quality.
3. Said when astonishes someone's fancy.
That tomato soup is bitchen.
by Yuliya March 11, 2004
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to show excitement, or happiness with something.
also see kickass, kickass amazing, and sweeet.
Helga: BITCHEN!!!!!
by alfonzo van schlinkenbon March 25, 2008
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Beyond cool. Another word to describe how cool someone is; extremely gnarly. A word that is cooler than cool, and therefore is bitchen.
Hannah Rand and Lauren Wolfe are the creators of the word bitchen, therefore it makes them bitchen, even mad bitchen.
by Rick the hick March 24, 2008
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A New York City studio apartment that is basically a bedroom with a kitchen in it... a bitchen.
by ADRobinson January 12, 2011
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