My lifeline, if there is no tv, I would be bored.
My tv doesn't have on/off switch.
by Saints September 25, 2003
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The greatest invention ever known to man. Also see tv
if it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight
by Biddy March 6, 2005
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1. Opiate for the masses since the 1950's. Therby rendering them unfit both physically and mentally for any form of revolution. Rolling over on the sofa does not count as a revolution.

2. Very effective brainwashing machine.
Please repeat after me:
"I believe in television.
I believe that the TV news are true.
I believe that soap operas are true."
by Kerb November 29, 2004
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1. A device so essential to Americans that it is mentioned alongside food, water and shelter during cataclysmic tornadoes, flash floods and earthquakes. Often abbreviated as "TV" or "teevee."

2. The drug of choice for Mike Teevee, a character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
"We had no water, no power, no TV," Lurleen Tootin of Milledgeville said. "I told my Darrell we damn near could have died."
by Wang April 25, 2005
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Tiffany, sit down and watch Blue's Clues while the weekday Daddy and I play upstairs.
by Stitchgroover April 30, 2005
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An electronic box that sits in the corner of your living room which emits moving pictures and sound when turned on. Also TV, idiot box.
"We bought a new television yesterday."
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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Once envisioned to be the replacement for books and a useful educational tool. Now it is simply a useful method for the government to send subliminal messages and propganda to the masses, and for businesspeople to brainwash said masses into buting their low-quality products.
And it is quite surprising and scary that there are millions of people out there who ACTUALLY buy the products aired on late-night television commercials.
by AYB June 20, 2003
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