to have recently given birth; to pop one out
She looks amazing for a bird who's just sprogged!
by NikitheGoddess May 5, 2013
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She only got sprogged up so he'd have to stay with her.
by Anne (the awesome) May 19, 2005
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once disparaging term for a child, now often used affectionately. (Chiefly British)
"I'll come by your place after I drop the sprogs at school"
by grhabyt March 23, 2006
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"People who make sprogs should be locked up in a room full of sprogs and then strangled to death with a condom which is what they should've used in the first place."
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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Children. Young ones. Generally aged from babies to preschool. Often birthed by people trying to fill a void in their own lives.

Often referrs to well off families who treat their young children as an accessory, dressing them as if they were a cooler smaller version of themselves. Most upsettingly this often involves putting them in crocs, clothes from H&M and GAP.

They regularly have a look in their eyes which is passive yet self absorbed. A bit like a fat sleepy zombie.

Easily entertained, easily annoyed, irritating.
Nevermind all this CO2 and carbon neutral stuff, people just need to stop having so many damn sprogs.

I would have invited Rebecca, but since she's become a mother, all she ever talks about is her fucking sprog.

~Kelly had ANOTHER child last month,
#wait, does that mean she's got six sprogs now?
>That's way too many sprogs.
~I don't want any sprogs until I'm at least thirty.
by Planktown April 11, 2010
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"Did you hear about Steve? Yeah he lost his sprog in the IKEA again!"
by Wolf__cub May 3, 2023
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1. derogative term for an unpleasent child.

2. illigitimate offspring
by M May 13, 2003
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