A mixture of a dork , a loser , a knucklehead , a nerd , a ditz , a weirdo , a klutz , a geek , a free spirit, and LOTS of hyperness. Spazzes are often aware of their condition,and are proud of it. See:
*I do something...anything"
My bff: You are such a spazz.
Me: And proud of it! *Sprawls *
by __Amaya Sakaruta__ June 30, 2010
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Ali Delaune spazzed on me when I flicked her.
by BPrat April 19, 2007
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Often somebody with a dysfuntonal part of their body. If they are dyspraxic a.k.a clumsy chld syndrome they will often be laazy and randomly make up excuses to skip physical activities, they will also appear as a tomato after an sports.
"Rory** Irving is a complete spazz"
by bashley July 4, 2005
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stop one's actions as if disturbed by something unexpected and being surprised
why did u like spazz out when you were going around that turn?
by jenny-jenn-jenn May 30, 2006
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A total chode.

See also: awkward, asstastic, socially-inept, klutz.
Yeah I saw that episode of The Anna Nicole Show, what a drugged-up, dog-toting spazz that girl is.
by klutz January 29, 2003
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The whelps of the intergalactic bears. They are a brutal species as they suck their advisories until they become dry and tasty as beef jerky. Then it is sold to the what we call, humans for meaty snacks. Their over mind, Zel'Zemaratar, happens to be ruthless political activist though has not seen the irony at the moment. Cheddar is unlike Will Farrel.
by Jimoa June 14, 2007
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