The day you have to move hotels in order to come back the next day to stay another 28 days, when you are living in a hotel. You must be gone 24 hours to not establish residency and to give them the change to really clean all the shit out of your toilet.
Craig, I see you are packing all your belongings in your this your Skip Day? If it's your Skip Day, i will see you tomorrow, maybe you get the same room.
by hugedongus November 26, 2019
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The day that all the seniors in high school skip school and go else where.
When is senior skip day?
by Pendiddy April 27, 2006
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A day chosen by a high school senior class for the entire class to skip school. Typically falling on the Monday after prom, it tends to infuriate teachers and school administrators alike. The day has become less popular in recent years as the bureaucracy of public schools in the United States is becoming increasingly communist. For those who participate, the day continues to symbolize rebellion against overcomformity and the American desire for individuality.
Jackie won't participate in senior skip day. She enjoys being a slave to society too much.
by BigTreeInTheForest May 2, 2011
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A day chosen by a senior class to skip school. This most frequently happens at the beginning/end of a school week or the day before or after a school day in which there are no classes (a state holiday for example).

Jill: Hey Jack, we have a State holiday Monday and we (seniors) have no school Wednesday because the underclassmen and Juniors are taking some standardized tests.

Jack: Well, Jill, I guess its only right to have a Senior skip day on Tuesady.
by Gator2013 March 29, 2009
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A secretly scheduled day when all high school seniors skip school and do something else. It is usually around the end of the school year, and it is usually on a day where nothing is really happening, or around a holiday.
Senior #1: Hey, when is Senior Skip Day?

Senior #2: Johnnie told me it was Friday, May 15th. What should we do that day?

Senior #1: I don't know. Maybe we could see if we can drive out of town for the four-day weekend
by IzzyBella^^ March 29, 2009
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A day for people that aren’t seniors that want to skip on Senior Skip day.
I’m not coming to school tomorrow, it’s Richard skip day
by poopypoop69 May 11, 2022
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the day after halloween on november 1st. you are allowed to skip school so you can celebrate halloween the proper way.
did you hear that no one goes to school on national skip day?
by teterdina October 31, 2019
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