A system of government that aims to create obedient workers instead of critical thinkers.
Bureaucracy is the reason so why many people lack critical thinking.
by Dubiks March 2, 2019
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1. A form of government in which the true power lies in the hands of committees who dictate policy and bureaus that carry them out, with little accountability to the constituency.

2. A form of government, the authority of which is not so much to accomplish anything, but to obstruct accomplishment by anyone else.

3. The form of government that the United States of America really practices while the politicians distract the constituency.
Many nations and corporations are governed as bureaucracies.
by Downstrike June 5, 2004
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The greatest mind who has ever lived is long-dead and will never be known... And in the wake of his discovery of the fact that everyone and everything can be organized; the outcome of the lives of a plurality of humanity have been set in stone.
Iam "YOU have been organized. And under the ambulating gears of the infinite clockwork you lives are rendered inconsequential. YOU have been accounted for. A golden pyramid of gears ascending towards the heavens. And at the top of the pyramid a lever. And the lever controls the horde. And the man who sits in front of the lever walks (alone) with God. He gives everything it's place. Bureaucracy gives way to government. YOU have been governed. Forever-nested in the organizational system that predates your birth. The gears spin faster at the bottom. Don't mind the people falling off the edge. It is all within the acceptable parameters."
by Hym Iam August 15, 2022
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The natural expression of the the human mind’s proclivity to gravitate toward ever increasing complexity.
“Inevitably, bureaucracy seeks to complicate the very hallmark of truth itself; simplicity.”
by Sloan007 February 1, 2020
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a word that means anything you want it to mean in the world, according to Ms. Maroun.
"When I call your name, please bring up your bureaucracy!"
"I have a lot of bureaucratic issues to deal with today."
by marounfanxD September 12, 2017
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"I'm sick of all the bureaucracy, I can't get anything done!"
by ISB-021 September 29, 2020
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