When a lesbian couple has no sex toys available, so a Wii remote is used for pleasure.
Yo girl I just got a strike in wii bowling while poppin a skeez
by Ishouldgetpaidforthis February 10, 2018
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A small wrench used to adjust skateboards deriving its name from performing key functions, or closely resembling the common house key such as the patent-pending SKEEZE® skate key.
Yo, you got your SKEEZE on you; 'cuz I just cracked my brand new deck on a tres-flip at the park again!
by The Mad Professor January 7, 2019
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Someone who refuses to wash their hands after using the toilet.
I can't believe that skeeze never washes his hands after taking a leak.
by Angus McCracken February 4, 2020
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When one sneezes and it feels so good, that they simultaneously skeet .
Oh man ,I just skeezed. I'll never get these stains out
by Spaghetti Western December 13, 2011
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A word for a shady, dodgy, untrustworthy person. Someone who you think will outright deceive you.
Most times related to the sale of drugs, although not always.
I cant believe that guy sold me a faulty lawnmower. What a Skeeze

Hell no man. I'm not buying weed off that guy, he's a Skeeze
by Unkiejay6 May 1, 2021
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The act of staying in for the day, getting into the most comfortable clothes, having some good food around, idiot television and a whole shitload of weed.
Q: What are you doing on Sunday?

A: Not much, partied way too hard last night, we're just going to skeeze out.
by cancukyiv September 17, 2009
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