Anyone who sacrifices artistic integrity in an effort to become more successful or popular (generally in music); someone who forgets their roots.
by Sean Piece August 4, 2003
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A human being who abandons their convictions to impress people and or become more popular.
Kelli got drunk just so her friends would think she was cool, what a sell-out.
by Hugh G. Wection November 13, 2004
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One who betrays a cause for personal advancement.

The popular definition of sell out allows it to be used as an insult towards anyone in show business. On the contrary, there are many bands which are considered sellouts which are not.

For instance, Green Day. They are considered sell-outs because they are a punk band who was popular on MTV. Green Day never stated that they would never be on MTV, thus they are not sell-outs in that sense. They never changed their musical style for monetary reasons, thus they are are not sell-outs in the more literal sense of the word. If Fugazi were to sign up with Sony records, they would be selling out because they preach against major labels.
by SpinSpyder June 25, 2003
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A rather obsolete term people use to describe bands that have become more mainstream/commercial, usually after signing to a major label. Of course, just because a band has become more mainstream doesn't mean they've 'sold out'- it just means they have more money to spend on professional recordings, greater exposure, etcetera. And as long as a band does not prioritise money over their artistic vision then they should not be accused of wrongdoing. And the fact is, the majority of people who accuse bands of selling out are just irate at the fact that their music is no longer exclusive to them and the niche audience that they can brag about being a part of. So long as money exists people will always have a reason to accuse a band of being in cahoots with men in black suits. Besides, a lot of landmark albums in specific genres have been released when a band had signed to a major label. A band can't help it if their music appeals to the mainstream, so give them a break. And the only artists who should be accused of selling out are those manufactured by heartless record execs with a fetish for money, not those who set out to be a band and sign to a major to gain greater exposure and the recognition they deserve. At the end of the day, everyone's a sellout anyway: we all support the establishment whether we intend to or not, so don't forget that next time you target another band with the 'selling out' ethos.
Dude 1: God, why are you listening to Green Day? they've totally sold out since signing to Warner Bros. You should listen to the Sex Pistols, at least they're not some commercial wannabe rock band.
Dude 2: You do realise that the Sex Pistols were signed to EMI, Virgin and even Warner Bros. right?
Dude 1: (remains silent)
Dude 2: Exactly... so your 'selling out' arguments a bit naive isn't it?
by Firelovesugar February 21, 2011
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Success/fame or any other kind of personal gain at the cost of credibility; and ANYBODY could be a sellout not just a musician/band. There's things that you get naturally and there's things that require selling out to have. And what sucks more is that you can't go back after you did it.
I don't want to name names so I can't give an example of selling out.
by C.F.C. October 29, 2007
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To compromise one's values and/or aristic vision in order to gain fame and/or monetary profit. Commonplace in today's musical society. It is rare to find a successful musical artist who has not "sold out", however, this is not to say that they do not exist.
Good Charlotte never sold out. Selling out requires having some artistic vision in the first place.
by Dani.Havok.Kidd August 11, 2003
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To trade one's integrity in exchange for money, popularity or success.

the term is mostly associated with music, in which a singer(s) or band will change their style in order to gain mainstream success or to get signed to a major label.
by roflolwtfbbq February 16, 2009
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