Those little pieces that come off of lottery scratchers and get everywhere.
"Don't scratch those in my car, you'll get scratcher jizz everywhere!"
by slurpeegirl July 1, 2014
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A phrase originating from the "No Chris Left Behind" episode of Family Guy where Peter gets a job selling butt scratchers at the ball park.

Often shouted at music festivals:
Headbanger 1: "BUTT SCRATCHER?!!!!"
Headbanger 2: "BUTT SCRATCHER!!!"
by darkrave August 16, 2009
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A particularly annoying internet user. Is old, grumpy and smells of piss. Collects maps and hates everything else.
'Stop moaning, you sound just like Scratcher'
by David Panter June 7, 2004
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Another alternative to the phrase "mother fucker". Useful in situations where swearing is frowned upon.
That dirty mother scratcher...
Then I kicked the mother scratcher.
I am going to make that mother scratching bolt fit.
by irishpete5 October 13, 2004
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That guy who wants to sit around scratching his ass all day instead of doing anything to help himself or others, and still expects the world to supply his every need or desire. He has no legitimate disabilities but would rather live in his parents' basement instead of even trying to look for a job.
I think the term ass scratcher was coined on The Family Guy, but I'm too much of an ass scratcher to confirm that.
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A parking spot that is so narrow that if the driver/passengers were to open their doors the paint on the car to either side would scratch right off.
Bob: Hey man, look! ROCK STAR PARKING!!
Ray: Nah man, that's a paint-scratcher... Look at those hummers! Find another spot..
by Paul April 15, 2007
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