a person that thinks dinosaurs are still living.
scenester: "OMGZ look at my trendy new pet dinosaur i drew on this sheet of lined paper. i'm gonna put it on my myspace and tell everyone to leave raddxcore commentz"

me: "dude, you know you can't have a pet dinosaur."

scenester: "OMGZ that was so not cool. my dino will RAWR at you."
by scene. June 19, 2006
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A boy or girl who wears tight jeans, white studded belts, black band hoodies, bandanas, nerd glasses, 50's sunglasses, etc. They tend to shop at thrift stores because they're too "cool" to shop anywhere else. Scenesters think they're individual, but they're actually all just conforming to the current trends. You may find them listening to emo, indie, hardcore, synthpop, electronica, and many other subgenres of pop punk.
Girl: I'm a XsceneX slut OMG *GLAMOUR* &hearts; <333 lyk gangsturr. thugUP fo lyfe<333. I'm the biggest scenester on eearth omgz thrift stores : and RAAAR. DINOSAURS!!! BLACK AND WHITE!!! CHECKERED VANS!!!

Guy: I'm mother fucking X straight X edge X because it's cooler to be SXE when you could just not do drugs. I listen to the most obscured music as possible so you know I'm scener than you. My band is too cool to play at big venues. Actually, it's because we completely suck at playing music, but we're still too scene to play anywhere big.
by max_fool November 2, 2005
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Any (usually cover-charge/drink paying) customer who supports the bands that compose the scene. A vital component to any scene!
Without the scenesters there would be no scene!
by Etch July 16, 2006
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That girl is such a scenester; she goes to shows just to look cool and has the same haircut as all the other scenesters.
by danerr July 15, 2004
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Scenesters are effectivelyh people who follow any trend that has become 'cool'. For example, guys have started to wear black shirts, red ties, skinny black jeans and Converse because bands like My Chemical Romance or Green Day do. While it may be acceptable to dress preppily/smartly if you actually go to gigs, listen to non-mainstream music and actually involve yourself within a scene, scenesters just pretend to so that they can boast about their unbelievably cool state of indie or emo over everyone else.
Indie Scenester: 'Do you know about The Block Party? They're going to be HUGE, like, seriously bigger than Franz Ferdinand, but I don't like Franz anymore since they became big.'

Proper Indie Fan: 'Yeah, I saw them live back in 2003 supporting Interpol.'

Indie Scenester: 'Aren't Interpol that band that don't speak in their songs? God, instumentals speak to me in so many more ways that singing does.'

Proper Indie Fan: 'Whatever.' *Sighs*

Emo Scenester: 'OMFG I fucking LOVE MCR, they r the best band since Green Day cos the singer is SOOOOOOOOOO hot!! <3'

Both Indie Kids: 'Shut up.'

Emo: *Cries*
by Gabriel, Thee Indie December 11, 2005
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a person who has a myspaceaccount with pictures of themselves from different angles. these angles are often taken from above never actauly showing their entire face.

In the event that their face actaully is in the picture:
-lips are often scrunched to one side
-hand is making a peace sign
-eyes are looking up.
Did u see that scenesters pic on myspace? i love all the eyliner she put on. now i'm gonna go dye my hair black.
by Lulubalah March 1, 2006
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like an emo kid but far more self-absorbed. claims to have a love of all kinds of music but hates mainstream and usually listens to emo and/or "hardcore". these people claim to be individual but are infact clones of eachother. usually found at local shows wearing mostly black, tight jeans, band tee's and greasy black hair covering one eye. most people dont see many scensters out during the day, thats because the hate the sunlight. refer to vampirefreaks.com.!

a lot of scensters claim to be straight edge or sXe so they dont drink, do drugs or have sex. in some extremes they are vegans. however half of them are bellow the legal age to drink and smoke anyway and just use the term straight edge to make them feel better.

in short, a scenster is a pasty faced skinny little bastard, who hates anyone outwith the scene. has small or no genitls, and spends all their time on myspace or vampire freaks only venturing out at night for food and possibly a show.
by scona May 11, 2006
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