a ripster doesnt do what they do because they want to be cool, they just do it to have fun, the result is they look cool, and people try to do it too.
by sickem shure June 24, 2005
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Variety of troll who rips off other people's works, and whores them out on internet forums. Often threadcraps to elevate his or her postcount. Occasionally makes sense, but usually is just posting to hear himself or herself talk.
The ripster posted my pictures as his own, and used them to threadcrap with his fucktarded idiocy.
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"Wow, check out those ripsters chewing Skoal and drinking PBR at the Vampire Weekend concert."
by yipstergirl February 5, 2010
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A strong or athletic dork. A "ripped hipster."

A person with nerdy tendancies with a jock-like body.
He seemed like a huge nerd, but when he took his shirt off he was totally jacked, straight up ripster.
by not available 12343 July 11, 2008
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rich hipster, usually viewed as a "wannabe hipster" but who is not truly dedicated to the guts of trendsetting endured by hipsters. They follow the true hipsters.
Look at that hipster!

Naw, that's just a ripster...
by u8mybrownies January 10, 2013
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A female hipster prone to whoring herself out .. she'll usually be in her metamorphosis stage from being just a regular ripper to being a full blown hipster ripper.
Let's ride our fixy bikes to blakes there's going to be soo many ripsters over there
by jonsey925 February 9, 2012
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