Something SO cute and adorable that the word cute itself has to sound cuter and hence 'cutie patootie'
by goofykirby May 27, 2023
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someone so cute that even calling them a cutie isnt enough, cutie patootie is a whole other level of cutness basically perfection
ur such a cutie patootie hadi!!

i want that cat its such a cutie patootie
by ilovecatssoomuch December 6, 2022
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A word used to positively uplift someone or something. Cutie Patootie is often referred to as a synonym for "adorable" and "slay". TikTok user 'meiohi' is often seen leaving Cutie Patootie comments under posts of Lee Know, a k-pop idol from the popular group Stray Kids.
That's literally so cutie patootie !!
Ugh, did you see his outfit? Totally so-not cutie patootie vibes.
by im not meiohi January 6, 2023
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A person who is unbelievably kind and sweet, and in addition is the most adorable and cutest person in every room. People have an immeasurable amount of love for this individual and everyone knows they give the best hugs known to man.
Ashley is my sweetums patootie, every time I see her I want to squeeze her and tell her how much I love her.
by loveydovey1 March 29, 2019
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That building site is full of some damn fine cutie patootie!
by minty1985 February 12, 2014
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Someone or something so cute you want to squeeze them until they bleed.
The kitty is so cutie patootie I want to put them inside my mouth.
by MorbidCuteness September 11, 2019
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Glimmer is such a QT Patootie. Glimmer#11361
by HxC FTW May 11, 2017
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