This is a guy who can get it

What they have
*smells amazing
*have BDE(if a boy)
*has good style

*kinda of a bad boy
Madison you see him, he's a panties dropper
by MacKenzieLR December 4, 2019
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A guy who is so good looking, or has so much money, or some other such quality, that women will drop their panties at the sight of him.
by Anonymous August 17, 2003
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Pronounced: Pant-ee-drop-er

A term used to describe a male with good qualities. Though one's definition of a Panty-Dropper changes from person to person, the usual standard is a good looking male, maybe with a special talent; such as being good at music, sports, or any of your typical "sexy" male activities.

Since we're all about equality, the female equivalent is a Boxer-Dropper.

The terms can be used loosely, based on one's own sexuality.
Mmm, that lead singer from Franz Ferdinand is a super Panty-Dropper!
by Professor Diablo May 26, 2011
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A chick drink, usually concocted with nefarious intentions.
I could try to get in her pants through witty conversation, but panty dropper is much easier.
by Anonymous April 4, 2003
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A song upon hearing makes it near impossible for a girl to Not drop her panties.
See Also:
Your Body Is A Wonderland
Dude numero Uno-"Have you heard that new song by Let The Panties Hit The Floor?!"

Dude number Dos-"Shyeahhh! What a panty dropper!"
by Juloria April 20, 2005
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A person, place, or thing that causes a woman to become aroused.
"The dudes in Playgirl magazine are panty droppers."

"Take her to the zoo its a real panty dropper."

"Buy her some tequila dude. It's a great panty dropper."
by Cockles McGee March 4, 2012
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Girls who get wet in an instant. Over a Man or a song, Dj playing a killer track or just a sexy mother f... To prevent any uncomfortable clothing malfunctions. Panties must immediately be dropped
Damnn!!! This DJ Dayday is "panty dropper" girl!! soo hot! I can't stand it.. I gotta remove these right now. His soo sexy when he plays this song.
by 1k3m412 June 1, 2010
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