The Greek origin of the word means "lover of children". For this reason it was appropriated by people with sexual urges towards children (although the Greek use is far broader and most often has no sexual connotations - for instance a "Russophile" can someone who likes to visit Russia or who supports Russian foreign policy). It has now become a descriptive or hostile term for such people.

Refers to child molesters and child rapists, as well as people who view sexual images of children and those who would like to do so. Current usage makes it unclear whether it is a sexual orientation or a class of actions.

Strictly speaking, it refers only to those interested in pre-pubescent children. (Attraction to teenagers is hebephilia).
All paedophile activities which involve actual children are forms of child abuse.
by Andy August 1, 2004
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To paedophile someone.
The art of being a paedophile.
Old man: *wink wink*
by Stephanie November 12, 2004
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correct spelling for a man who likes or fantasises of sex with young children. Much like a vampire, he lurks in the night. When a child is struck, that child will itself become a recluse and eventually a paedophile, passing it on to any they strike. The only known cure is a stake though the heart or castration. Must be separated form 'regular' prisoners while in jail for their crimes, otheriwse their life expectancy is about 2 days before they get nonce bashed.
Dude1: A peadophile on msn tried to get me to meet up with him in the park after dark!
Dude2: I got peadophiled once when i was 5. My dad says when i'm older ill turn into one
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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A teacher that likes to take girls time and waste their breaks on talking about irrelevant things, and is also very sexually attracted to her and is usually an adult.

Take the hint sir?
Me: Omg my math teacher is such a paedophile.
Friend: No he isn't

Friend: Nevermind I agree he locked me in his room while pole dancing.
by cheaterfinders April 21, 2019
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Rachelanne Ryan.
She likes children, cause she's a paedophile.
by ledgebag2k11 December 29, 2011
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Someone who likes small children...

The all need there bollocks cutting off! With a teaspoon

Often found browsing internet fourms!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by little tit of the internet October 30, 2003
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