Creepy, scary, and/or weird.
"They're creepy and they're kooky,
mysterious and spooky.
They're altogether ooky--
the Addams Family."
by Marc412 June 10, 2007
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extremely creepy; also shifty (2) and shady
This guy came up to me in a bar but he was totally ooky, so I gave him a wrong number.
by Miko Monkey May 26, 2005
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something that is caveman-ish, anything caveman related
dude, that guy wearing a loincloth and carrying a bone is seriously ooky
by deadprez92 January 11, 2007
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A small plastic horse toy with wheels popular in the 1960's. Child's ride-on toy. Ooky-Ookies came in several different colors and were hollow, with handles sticking out of the horse's head.
Emily went out to ride her Ooky-Ooky.
by Ooky-Ooky August 19, 2008
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It's a name used to call a significant other; boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse.
My ooki's got my back, and I've got his/hers.
by Arehs November 15, 2007
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A name people used to call Michael Vick for dog fighting. Like Ron Mexico for herpes, Vick used Ookie for dog fighting.
Ookie is the top dog when it comes to dog fighting.
by Shenard August 4, 2007
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1. filipino word for for fuck adapted to da locals in hawaii

2. vagina, pussy creampie
ohhh, ooki! my ooki hurtz!
by WORDMAN! April 20, 2011
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