something that occurs when someone has sex with a boat
OOOOOOH YES YES YES! I'm gonna come all over your poop deck! Man the lifeboats I'm gonna OARGASM!
by Danontour May 1, 2006
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Reaction of a home-theater enthusiast upon realizing a given film is being released in its Original Aspect Ratio.
"Dude, it's gonna be 2.35:1. I just totally had an oargasm."
by Greg Thompson October 17, 2005
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The state of mind when one thinks they are actually a seal. This state of mind is generally caused by idiotic behavior leading to an oargasm.

The actual oargasm sounds something like this: "OAR! OAR! OAR!" and generally includes rabid clapping like a seal.
Man, I thought she was crazy when she was making those motorcycle sounds. I never thought she'd go so far to have an oargasm.
by Jen Florentine June 2, 2006
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Refers to da act of getting off due to someone's not using an outboard motor to propel a water-craft.
Hot-in-da-crotch hottie: Seeing a husky dude's bulging bicepses flexing while he's paddling a boat always gives me a major oargasm.
by QuacksO January 7, 2023
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