2 definitions by Jen Florentine

The state of mind when one thinks they are actually a seal. This state of mind is generally caused by idiotic behavior leading to an oargasm.

The actual oargasm sounds something like this: "OAR! OAR! OAR!" and generally includes rabid clapping like a seal.
Man, I thought she was crazy when she was making those motorcycle sounds. I never thought she'd go so far to have an oargasm.
by Jen Florentine June 2, 2006
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one who pretends make motorcycle sounds. some may even think they are a SEAL after doing this.
Some idiot: "RUNNNNNNNNN digga digga digga, OAR OAR OAR!", some cool person, "Jeez, what a mf'in rundigadiga"
by Jen Florentine April 21, 2006
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