The word Americans say when trying to pronounce niche
"Choose a small nitch market" when overheard is actually "Choose a small niche market"
by hopelessone February 3, 2010
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"I had a date with that cute little nitch last Friday."
by kjsdfvlksd February 14, 2010
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A person who is a combination of a nigga and a bitch
Ashley can be such a nitch sometimes!
by fiSTicUFfs June 26, 2005
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A crap that one takes while reading educational material on the toilet.
I took a huge nitch while reading that textbook on neuroanatomy.
by M. Greiffenstein May 29, 2007
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no stop bc barb is such a fucking nitch.
honestly and it pisses me off so much.
by yuhyuhhaha February 9, 2021
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the combination of the words nigger and bitch
by dunzo August 4, 2005
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its a combination of things said and done but with an elegance. Style, thing or the way one roll.
what! motley pattern pants.. no no no.. no its not my nitch
by diesel_316 January 8, 2009
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