To bang an incredibly nasty girl. And by nasty, we're talking blue whale size.
Yo did you see that swamp donkey? I know some guy that fucking murfed her!
by je April 2, 2004
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To totally fail at something, die in the arse, fuck something up completely, etc
A: How did you fare on your date?
B: I totally murphed it, but thanks for asking
by cougarr May 21, 2008
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(Verb)murph is another word to express the emotions of getting screwed over or turned down. It can also be used expressed in anger , or to treat unfairly or harshly. Murph can also be used as a figure of speech to get rid of or to ditch.
(Adj) Murph can also be used on its own, to express anxiouty , anger or disstress.
(Noun)Describing someone or something that screws or screwed over, messed up or destroyed a certain (noun) item, possesion or siduation.
Boy: Lets go out tonight.
Girl: Sorry, i have other plans
Boy: What a Murph!!
Boy:I just got murphed
Boy:murph this chick.
Boy: She murphed the whole siduation.
by Vicky Azrak December 18, 2007
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a small, pre-pubescent, very white male who thinks that they are ghetto and gangsta, likes wearing oversized red shirts everyday, and occasionally purple ones
Murph likes to burn his planna fo twenny dollas, man dats shit stanky.
by murphymurph October 29, 2007
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One who would rather stalk a girl and become best friends forever with her, than hang out with his friends
"Why isnt Bob sitting with us" "He's being a murph with that smut over there"
by Snyder September 12, 2005
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Its when you take a dirty great big shit!
I am gona have to go and have a murph, got a serious turtle head.
by Jim Hand April 10, 2007
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vacillating in one's progress toward a goal, or dithering as to what if any goal to pursue, in relaxed, leisurely fashion, yet all the while being nominally engaged in trying to be productive
We just sortof murphed around this afternoon, didn't really get anything much done although we started and then got distracted from several projects.
by Scottosaurus August 3, 2003
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