v. - to suffocate with muff, often resulting in death
by Muffkin August 18, 2009
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When a woman sits on a persons face and suffocates them with her muff.
I want to muffocate him later.
by solly99 January 26, 2014
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1.Suffocation due to oral sex on a woman.
2.Death by suffocation as a direct result of intense orgasm during oral sex on a woman.
Anita should wash her snatch more often. She has muffocated her last six boyfriends.
by Sirlaffalot May 27, 2013
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when a man is eating out a woman only for her legs to wrap round the back of his head. Given enough force, and large enough vagina flaps, this can lead to the man suffocating and dying. This process is known as muffocation.

If exercised with care and caution some light muffocation can be a boost to anyone's sex life.
csi guy #1-he was reported missing last week, it was later found out his girlfriend had fled the country so we tracked down her appartment. he was there. dead.

csi guy #2- do we know what happened?

csi guy #1- not yet no but weve sent of some of the residue and hair found on his face for testing, he looks like he might have suffocated but there are no signs of a struggle.

csi guy #3- it looks like he muffocated to me. thats fifteen this week. goddamn hippies.
by eddy baby July 25, 2006
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A cause of death which results from intensive cunnilingus whereby the receiver sits on the face of the giver and allows no air pocket, most normally evident is cases of obese lovers.
Judge: Cause of Death?
Coronor: Muffocation.
Judge: Into Fatties?
Coronor: Yes
Judge: Case Closed.
by Broken Pencil August 24, 2010
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The inability to breathe when a lady is sitting on your face.
"Mmmmmmmm, I can't breatheeeeeeee!"
by Jtron 3000 October 3, 2003
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When a woman suffocates you with her entire vagina and perineum or when a large lesbian suffocates an opposing gay male in a fight by placing her entire vagina and perineum over the small gay mans head resulting in instant death
Red baron was muffocated by the green bee during their match.
by Joemack28 May 13, 2015
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