The highest level of bitch on the grand scale of bitchery. One step above the feared bitchasaurus rex. This top of the feeding chart level bitch, will make you cry and then laugh at you. Being revengeful and vindictive are her positive traits. Her main purpose in life, besides caring about her selfish self, is to push you away and hurt you deep. beady rat eyes are almost always present.
1. I didn’t know the bitchasaurus maximus was still in existence till I met your GF last week.

2. You are such a sweet guy Bruce, how do you put up with that bitchasaurus maximus in your life? The sex can’t be that good......
by GIRTHQUAKE72 November 17, 2019
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A rare human sub-species that was once thought extinct. Maximus Thotticus use high-frequency sounds, thot-like clothing (jean jackets), and social media outlets to attract males.
Guy 1: Yo, that girl, she thicc af dawg.
Guy 2: Nah my dude. That's a Maximus Thotticus.

Maximus Thotticus: SCREEEEEEEEEEEE
by SovietChiken August 20, 2017
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(Adj/Noun) When two or more people, under the influence of marijuana, have ideas or experiences that reside on the same frequency or wavelength. These ideas or experiences are then elaborated to one another through similar or identical thought processes. This can be done through vocal and/or wireless transmission. Wireless transmission includes eye contact, smiling, pointing, or any combination of the three directed at another party.

See: Being on the same page, catching one's drift

Note: Sometimes followed by Revelationous Maximus.
Stoner 1: Dude, this sandwich's texture is erupting in my mouth.

Stoner 2: {Smiles, points and nods at Stoner 1} I know exactly what you mean, Bro. You, me, and our sandwiches are on the verge of Synchronizationous Maximus. Let’s go does more bong hits.
by Pi Ups April 27, 2010
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The act of committing maximum yeet, and the strongest form of yah yeet.
Whoa!, Dave just pulled a yeeticus maximus!
by SodiumHypochlorite156 January 30, 2018
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The maximum level of bitchassness a person can attain, there have been only a handful of cases in the world thusfar.
D Breezy is on that bitchassness maximus tip again.
by lebron101 June 22, 2009
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A variation of the word cunt. Can be used when you want to sound more sophisticated when using what is arguably the most offensive term know to the language.
It makes use of sounding a bit latin, when in reality it can be deciphered as calling someone a massive cunt, big cunt, or of someone being such a cunt, that they could not be more of a cunt if they tried.
for example, " look at ian, cuntus maximus if you ask me
by TCgossip August 3, 2007
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beyond the peak of perfection, beyond the point of excellence, most masterful state of mind,
10 for 10, 100 for 100, just to be 100% if less than you are NOT maximus prime! record setting. to be the champion. large ego, great confidence
by andrew james September 28, 2006
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